Love, Joy, Peace...
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Sunday Mornings for Kids
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We Believe...
God is bigger and better and closer than we can imagine.
The Bible is God's perfect guidebook for living.
Jesus is God showing Himself to us.
Through His Holy Spirit, God lives in and through us now.
Nothing in creation "just happened." God made it all.
Grace is the only way to have a relationship with God.
Faith is the only way to grow in our relationship with God.
God has allowed evil to provide us with a choice. God can bring good even out of evil
Who We Are
We are a gathering of faith on the outskirts of Utica who want to share a journey of faith with you!
We gather at 11 am on Sunday mornings at 13117 Cooksey Road to celebrate our faith and to receive instruction on how to grow in our faith
Consider this your free, no obligation invitation to check us out!
Meet Our Pastor
Jeff loves Jesus, his wife, his 5 children, his 7 grandchildren, Christ's Church and the word of God.
Born and raised in Ohio he has been a Buckeye his whole life minus the years he spent at Cumberland College in Kentucky and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth, Texas.
Jeff holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Cumberland and a Mater of Arts in Pastoral Counseling from Ashland Theological Seminary in Ashland, Ohio.
Arrows Coordinator
Trek Coordinators
Contact Us
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Fun, Faces and Fellowship
The Friendliest Church in Utica
We are located at 13117 Cooksey Road in Utica just a little less than two miles from the intersection of Rt. 13 and Rt. 62
Japan Mission
Japan Mission
Jonathan Houghton, son to Pastor Jeff and Teri Houghton, is serving with Youth With a Mission (YWAM) in Osaka, Japan.

YWAM missionaries need to raise their own financial support and you can take part in his mission of training and sending mission teams to share the love and gospel of Jesus Christ to the 125 million people of Japan.
You will need to log in to your secure church trac account. If you do not yet have your personal church trac account you can create one at this time.